Monday 10 April 2017

2D Playground scene character sheet and storyboard thumbails

I started making a character sheet to lay out what kind of characters I could fit into an 8-10 second scene. I decided to go with simple caricatures i.e. nerd, bully, teacher, etc. While considering how the scene would play out I decided to make the whole scene a single still shot. This was inspired by the style of Birdbox studio films. While taking this into consideration, I decided to make the character design simplistic akin to stick figures. The style I ended up going with was a character style inspired by Cyanide and Happiness comics and animations, as it also matched the dark comedy tone I was going for.

When planning the story, I wanted to make sure as many characters would interact in some way with each other or the environment, though a few exceptions could be made to make the scene less confusing. This idea also goes well with a single still shot in order to keep all the action as contained as possible.

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